The Creagers

Okay, so technically we aren't all Creagers, but you know who you are.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fort Worth

I don't know whether anyone's reading this after over six months of inactivity, but just in case... I thought I could mention that I'm moving to Fort Worth in August to take up an au pair position for a few months.

They're a military family with three kids, ages 3, 1, and newborn, so my job includes watching them while the parents are out, some amount of teaching (whatever is suitable for the oldest), and minimal chores such as fixing lunch for the kids and doing their laundry. It's only about eight hours each day and I have Saturday through Monday off to do whatever I wish. Live-in position, so I've also got room and board the whole time, and can hang out at the house in my off time or not, however I choose. I will also be able to take a couple online classes and hopefully start working toward teaching certification (elementary age; I'd like 3rd graders eventually, but any elementary age would do).

I think I've covered all the usual questions there. It should be a fun job; I'm looking forward to it.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Where is Everybody?

So here's the idea. If you're the parent, tell us where your kids are and what they're up to. If you're a grown up kid, tell us yourself what you're up to. Are they in school? What's their college major? Engagements? Where are you working? Who's pregnant? Fill us in.

It's About Time!

So, we've been kicking around for quite a while the idea of putting something on the internet so that we can keep up with what everybody is doing. Finally, here is something. Nothing too fancy, but hopefully it will be put to good use. Just tell us anything of interest that you or your family are doing. Doesn't have to be only big, important things. Anything will do. I'd like to start by saying Happy 80th Birthday to my father - perhaps he's your grandfather, uncle, or just plain Bob. Here's to you!